The year 2024 was named “The Year of The Camel” to celebrate the unique cultural value represented by camels in the lives of the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula from the dawn of history up to the present day. Camels were a means of transportation across vast distances, navigating through the wilderness, and combating the isolation of long journeys. Their long companionship has inspired countless poems, tales, and proverbs, and their unwavering loyalty to humans has been a constant source of inspiration. Today, camels remain a living witness of authenticity and a core cultural component of Saudi identity.
Since the emergence of the Arabic culture until the present day, the camel enjoys a deep and dear stature among the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula across history. It is the ship of the desert that our ancestors relied on in their comings and goings. The Almighty Allah has mentioned it in his glorious verses, which emphasizes its significant position in the hearts of earlier Arabs. Allah says (Qur'an 88:17): "Then do they not look at the camels - how they are created?" in a nod to the unique characteristics of the camel that call for pause and reflection. We are pursuing the same path to honor and recognize the great value of the camel in Arabic culture, which leads us to the clear realization that culture holds an important role that it must perform to express and document the close relationship that links the Arab human to his camel since ages. Over time, this bond has evolved and grown stronger. Today, the camel enjoys the care and attention of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mos...